
Our licensing team have a thorough understanding of the licensed trade and can advise on all aspects of the Licensing Act 2003. We’ll assist you in applications for new licences, variations to existing licences, with appeals, and enforcement matters.  

  • Personal Licences

    Personal Licences

    Need a personal licence from your local licensing authority? Our solicitors can advise you on the requirements for an application, and then assist you in preparing and filing one on your behalf.

    Where we help

    • Personal Licence Applications
    • Procedural guidance and support
  • Premises Licences

    Premises Licences

    Valens acts for a range of clients, including those who own or manage public houses, restaurants and hotels.

    Where we help

    • New Premises Licence Application
    • Transfers of Premises Licence
    • Variations of Premises Licence
    • Variations to name new DPS
    • Licensing breaches/enforcement
  • Temporary Event Notices

    Temporary Event Notices

    Hosting a small or temporary event? We can help you apply for an appropriate permission from your local licensing authority.

    Where we help

    • Temporary Event Notice Applications

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